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Andrea Vandin coordinates an agreement with major HPC provider CINECA

Data pubblicazione: 23.09.2020
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EMbeDS's researcher Andrea Vandin fostered and coordinated a 3-year agreement with CINECA, allowing Sant'Anna researchers to access their top-notch High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure. 

The agreement involves several groups belonging to various Institutes at Sant'Anna,  including Economics, Life Sciences, and BioRobotics -- demonstrating yet again our multi-disciplinary mission. 

CINECA is a non-profit Italian inter-university consortium of international relevance involving numerous Italian universities, the Italian National Research Council, and the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR). CINECA aims at fostering Italian and European education and research providing access to some of the most powerful computing systems in the world. 

Access to these resources will allow Sant'Anna's researchers to perform data analysis, simulations and other computationally intensive tasks at unprecedented scale, complexity and speed.