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The Institute of Economics of the Sant'Anna School announces "A two-day Fest in honor of Giovanni Dosi and more," an exciting event to celebrate his scientific contributions and advances in economics during his 40-year academic career

The program on Monday, Nov. 6 and Tuesday, Nov. 7, at the Verdi Theater in Pisa and Wednesday, Nov. 8, in the Aula Magna of the Sant'Anna School

Publication date: 24.10.2023
Giovanni Dosi
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The Institute of Economics announces "A two-day Fest in honour of Giovanni Dosi and more", a thrilling event celebrating the scientific contributions and advancements in Economics brought about by Giovanni Dosi during forty years of academic career. A pluri-awarded, highly cited, internationally distinguished scholar, Giovanni Dosi has just published its new manual "The Foundations of Complex Evolving Economies", by Oxford University Press, a foundational book for the understanding of the economy.

On the 6-7th of November 2023, hosted by the "Teatro Verdi" in Pisa, two-hundred international scholars, including the entire scientific community of the Institute of Economics of Sant'Anna School, policy makers and a long list of alumni, will discuss upon achievements and future directions of the discipline. A high-level conference on the challenges of contemporary Economics, starting from its foundations.

On the 8th of November 2023, the Aula Magna of the Sant'Anna School will host the event “On the Shoulders of the Giant(s): Charting the Future of Evolutionary Economics". The young community of the Institute of Economics, including PhD, Post-Doc and junior researchers, will share ideas on some of the most relevant topics of research for contemporary Economics, to which Giovanni Dosi has provided prominent contributions.