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Big Data & Artificial Intelligence in Tuscany: a new center moves its first steps

Data pubblicazione: 09.07.2021
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Regione Toscana, together with six Tuscan public universities and the National Research Council (CNR) in Pisa, have recently established CBDAI, a competence center on Big Data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

The Sant'Anna School is part of CBDAI together with the National Research Council (CNR), IMT Lucca, Scuola Normale Superiore, Università degli studi di Firenze, Università degli studi di Pisa, and Università degli studi di Siena, demonstrating once more the existence of an active and dynamic research ecostystem on these themes in Tuscany.

Within Sant'Anna, the entities that will directly contribute to CBDAI are, in addition to EMbeDS, the Institutes of Economics, Management, DIRPOLIS and TECIP. Francesca Chiaromonte and Andrea Vandin will represent the School in the governance of the center, as members of the Comitato di Indirizzo and of the Comitato Tecnico Scientifico, respectively.

CBDAI will promote the transfer of technologies related to Big Data and AI to the Tuscan private and public sectors, striving to pursue the European institutional vision of a Human-Centered Trustworthy AI -- that is, a trustworthy and sustainable AI, aimed at benefitting humans at both the individual and social level, and AI systems that incorporate European ethical values, ensuring respect for human rights and democratic values.

On Wednesday the 14th of July the activities of the center will be inaugurated by a 'Kick-off meeting' where members of the various institutions will have a chance to share their active research in the area and delineate future developments. Participants from the Sant'Anna School will present state-of-the-art results on data-driven validation of Agent Based Models and Climate Economics; Health Data, Clinical Pathways, and mining techniques; Predictive Justice; and AI for Cloud and Safety-Critical Systems.