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Kick-off event for the SSSA-CINECA agreement enabling Sant'Anna researchers to access some of the best computing infrastructures in Europe

Data pubblicazione: 01.10.2020
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CINECA is one of the major providers of computing resources in the world. According to the top500 lists ( CINECA's supercomputer MARCONI100 is the 9th most powerful supercomputer in the world, while according to hpcwire ( it is the largest supercomputer available in the Academic sector in Europe.

Efforts by Andrea Vandin and other members of EMbeDS brought about an agreement between the Sant'Anna School for Advanced Studies and CINECA, which will  now allow Sant'Anna researchers to access CINECA's High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure.

The agreement becomes operational on 07/10/2020 with a kick-off event held by CINECA engineers. Several Sant'Anna researchers will partecipate to the kick-off.