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Data pubblicazione: 02.09.2020
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Jacopo Di Iorio joined the Institute of Economics of the Sant’Anna School and EMbeDS as a Research Fellow.

His position is co-financed by EMbeDS and the Pennsylvania State University.

Jacopo obtained a Master’s degree in Mathematical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, spending one semester at the “Probabilité et Modèles Aléatoires” M2 program of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Then, he received a PhD in “Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering” also from Politecnico di Milano. He was a visiting PhD student at the Statistics Department and the Huck Institute for Genome Sciences of the Pennsylvania State University where he developed new techniques for functional motifs discovery.

During his previous research experiences, Jacopo focused on fulfilling two interwoven tasks: developing new functional data analysis (FDA) techniques to perform functional biclustering and clustering, and designing effective tools to divulge these and other functional and multivariate statistics methods to a non-technical audience.

In this new chapter of his academic career, in connection with the objectives of EMbeDS, Jacopo will continue pursuing his goals of creating more efficient and interesting solutions in the domain of Statistical Learning and Functional Data Analysis. This will be done with a particular focus on the study of socio-economic correlates of climate change or biomedical innovations, and other research questions in Finance and Economics.